⟨|4⟩ Global customer effects

Capitalism can also be optimized through customer card and/or credit card solutions. Imagine that certain transactions of your daily life goods, where registered. A ‘Green consumption filter’ could give you a economic bonus if you bought organic through out the whole month. A bonus could also be given if you bought goods from inside a continent, which would reduce CO2-emmissions. A ‘buy-inside-your-continent-bonus’ could also replace there controversial toll barriers that exists amongst continents/major countries.

Other filters that could be relevant in the modern society:

  • the level of democracy in a country (no bonus given on products from countries that rates low)
  • the level of labor conditions in a country (no bonus given on products from countries that rates low)
  • the level of ‘cashback-to-society’ (‘energy money’ ->> growth + activity vs. ‘locked money’ that are tied up in too big personal savings)
  • travelling should contain bonuses to those who travel with consciounce/green repeatedly)

‘Smiley’-solutions whereever the government sees fit, will bring better products and other advantages for the consumer.

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