The 4 Core Elements

The 4 Core Elements of Unicalism

⟨|1⟩ Improving Capitalism

So far the base of Capitalism is the best macro economic system we got, but why not improove it?  Unicalism is Capitalism ‘Version 2.0′, while the list of short comings in The Capitalistic System is endless. The consciousness of big corperations has often been compared to the minds of psycopaths, to name an example.

Capitalism can be mis-used, as, to name an example, China is mis-using it. They put it in as a tier in their communism, making their form of capitalism a non-democratic and supressing version.

Capitalism is based on greed, which is ok and good. With the philosophy of Adam Smith, who in 1776 (quite solid) proclaimed that workers and shop owners were working to gain personal advantage, it is paramount and non debatable, that greed results in the most efficient form of production and growth on every level (so far no system has worked better in history, while speaking of the areas above).

BUT! .. there are different types of ‘Greed’:

  • ‘Basic greed’ is ok and good.
  • ‘Power greed’ stinks.
  • ‘Mega greed’ should be wiped of the face of The Earth.

Unicalism is a top tier government-type – but it is a top tier above capitalism, and it has a human face..

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⟨|2⟩ Altering global financial markets

With the implematation of Unicalism, there will be a fee on every share or currency speculation transaction between 0.1% and 0.5%. This fee will fall into a global entrepeneur fund.

The fund will support the best entrepeneur projects country-by-country worldwide. It will have a special focus on the developing coutries, which is most democratic and corrupt free.

The implementation of Unicalism requires more insight, into countries economic health. A special UN financial chapter will (in absolute discreteness) have the right to oversee some countries economic structures and well being. This should avoid crisises similar to the crisises of Southern Europe 2008-2012.

Unicalism will reward the effect of ‘Cashback-to-society’. If hedge funds and other major savers push their money out into the micro econmic system, ‘The Wheels’ of Capitalism wil turn better and faster.  Theese ‘Energy-money’ will lead to more activity and there by growth.

The implementation of Unicalism requires ‘level-based shareholding’.  As a share-holder or bond-holder, one can only own a maximum of theese papers, before moving on to anew level. To obtian the new level, the share-holder should proof to buy special minor investments in small new entrepeneurs/companies. After being aproved by the authorities (in this other type of ‘Cashback-to-society’-mechanism), the share-holder can move on to another level of shareholding, where a new maximum ceiling of shares can be bought up and there after owned.

⟨|3⟩ Altering global entrepeneur and labor conditions

The term ‘Unicalism’ comes from the idea that generic manufaturers, often bring along bad things (bad working conditions, bad unrealistsic loans in the bank, law suits between competing firms). ‘Unicalism’ rewards ‘Unique’ manufacturers through the states tax system (initially theese tax diffences are very small, but it is up the national government to determin the tax gaps.

There are unefficient working/production cells different places in the world.

Take South America as an example, where people consistently work 6 days a week. Still the effort doesn’t pay off. Why? Can this effect all be explained by infrastructure and/or corruption? Or is it also a result of toll barriers?

Employer shares by law.

Unicalism requires that every employer based entity has employer shares. Every employee is given 9 shares in the entity, where 4 of those is sellable for the employee. If the specific employee doesn’t believe in the company/shop/(etc.) she or he can sell from 1 to 4 of the shares. Theese informations will be public to the regular stock market, where percentage of ’9-of-9 employer shareholders’ in the company is a partial indicator of how healthy the company is.

Big groups of employers that sell of their employer-shares can give indication of:

  • the psycological enviroment in the department or entire company
  • non-green activities, corrupt or even criminal tendencies that are invisible to outsiders
  • other irregularities that are invisible to outsiders

From the beginning of the capitalistic macro system the labor unions have played a major and important role. They should unite accross borders with a non-political message/agenda (all working individuals should be represented, all though cases were a chairman demand of earning 11 million $ instead of 10 million $ wouldn’t be the first  to be addressed in such labor unions).

Instead of aid to developing countries, industrial countries will/should create ‘partnership countries’ within every continent. The countries should (more or less) match each other in population. Partnership countries for a country like (for instance) Denmark could be:

  • Slovakia (Europe)
  • Eritrea (Africa)
  • Turkmenistan (Asia)
  • Nicaragua (The Americas)
  • Fiji (Oceania (an exception is made with this continent due to far less populations)

The industrial country will then exchange both knowledge and/or work force + in cases it may seem fit; company franchises. Schools in the circle of partnership countries, should offer the optionfor thier students to be teached in the languages of the partnership countries. In this way there will be state-wise visions of growth in the countries that uses the exchanged knowlegde and technology to capitalize on trade with the neighbouring countries.

Several ‘Smiley’-solutions

In Denmark (from where this idea is sprung) there is a special ‘Smiley’-solution. It consists of a govermental institution, that controls if that sell products of food consumption. This solution works very effeciently, and therefore it should be expanded to various other areas of the comercial market. It is up to the state og borrough to implemement such solutions whereever it sees fit. Non-govermental journalism all ready pinch out rotten firms in the capitalistic system (in Denmark).

Along side the system of the ’9-of-9 employer shareholders’, there should/will be govermental institutions that controls firms and companies on areas of:

  • enviroment
  •  – psychological enviroment
  •  – work enviroment
  • corruption
  • etc.

Yes, some of theese institutions are are all ready in place, but there can be more.

Worldwide artist compensation fee

Music, movies and more can be picked of the internet as fruits of a tree. Unicalism requires the fee of (in Danish*), put upon internet providers as a tax **.

*) The author of this post do not know of other similar fees outside of Denmark (and this fee is no longer in effect). **) 500 mb of traffic should be free (or contain a smaller artist fee). Does a user download more than that a larger artist fee takes effect. A special governmentally based internet provider, can help certain companies that requires large traffic (this internet provider, should employ IT expert in order to avoid abuse of the traffic (movie download on the providers servers)) without paying the larger fees.

⟨|4⟩ Global customer effects

Capitalism can also be optimized through customer card and/or credit card solutions. Imagine that certain transactions of your daily life goods, where registered. A ‘Green consumption filter’ could give you a economic bonus if you bought organic through out the whole month. A bonus could also be given if you bought goods from inside a continent, which would reduce CO2-emmissions. A ‘buy-inside-your-continent-bonus’ could also replace there controversial toll barriers that exists amongst continents/major countries.

Other filters that could be relevant in the modern society:

  • the level of democracy in a country (no bonus given on products from countries that rates low)
  • the level of labor conditions in a country (no bonus given on products from countries that rates low)
  • the level of ‘cashback-to-society’ (‘energy money’ ->> growth + activity vs. ‘locked money’ that are tied up in too big personal savings)
  • travelling should contain bonuses to those who travel with consciounce/green repeatedly)

‘Smiley’-solutions whereever the government sees fit, will bring better products and other advantages for the consumer.

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